Blame it. It is so easy to get on the Donald Trump “I can’t believe this is happening, this is ludicrous” band wagon. And we should give voice to disrespect, childish behavior, racisms, deceit, manipulation, hate and abuse of power. Donald Trump is definitely breaking rules and breaking systems. He is not someone I am proud of, would want to know or take home to my dog, much less my mom or family, even the members I don’t like very much.
Name it. I refuse to give that man my energy, unlike the media who cannot help themselves. Much like I was with candy as a child. I also refuse to live in fear. I am not going to be afraid of him or for my country as I know fear only reaps fear. I used to rant and rave and say I hated George W Bush. Now, I sounded then, like people who hate Obama or Hillary sound now, I never want to be like that. There is no conversation, no room to find our common ground. Fear does not generate solutions, never will never does, all it does is foster and fuel more contraction, pain and suffering and broken systems.
Besides, anyone who really believes our entire country rests on the shoulders of one person, is short circuiting reality. If you are going to get excited or pissed and the President, then you have to get as excited and pissed about the process to elect them, about Congress and Senate and Judicial arms of government. You have to actually understand how government works and its role.
Breaking things down into black and white serves no one but media and sensationalism propaganda shows that call themselves news. The question is not big or small or no government, the question is what role it plays in creating and protecting society. It means facing our collective shadow that we have not paid full price for where we are as a country and the bill is due. We built what we have today in part by courage, ingenuity, perseverance and resourcefulness.
We also built what we have today by extermination (of peoples, nations, animals, rights, etc.), repressing and denial of rights, social and environmental injustice, bullying, helping other countries in the name of service but really at the expense their expense for our gain (win/lose) to name a few. These shadows are coming up now to be healed. They are a reflection of the paradigms or beliefs that no longer serve us anymore (from the last century). Their time has come, they need to break and be rebuilt new paradigms.
Change it. Donald Trump is just a symbol of the unhealthy masculine in our country that needs to be healed. I wish it were not true, but it is. This country is still asleep (minus pods of people who are not, but are not yet the dominate voice). Awakening is painful. Anyone who thinks we can “return” to days of yesterday, power wise, economic, socially, etc. are ignoring reality. The past is not only over, it was built on an illusion that many are attached too. The more you have (power or money) the more you have to lose or think you do.
This country is not ready for the ideas of Bernie Sanders, never mind those ideas are realities in other first world countries, we spout “they cannot work here”. That is true, they cannot work here AND retain our current paradigms and associated systems. Those countries have different operating paradigms and it is serving their people. This country is also not ready for a female leader, the masculine is still out of balance (500 years of patriarchy will do that). Hillary has her own unhealthy masculine side and it serves as a mirror to others with the same unhealthy masculine, so they “hate” her. They cannot even see the real her. You know that is true when you can hate her like some hate Donald. They are apples and oranges. And Ted and Rubio are just slick versions of the holding on to the past and the way the game used to be played. We have turned our elections into a football game of winning strategies instead of a thoughtful process that finds, nurtures and selects a leader of a country. Winning a football game is about game plans, money and the key players. That is not what leading a country requires.
So, we are stuck with the mess we are all responsible for. And my hope is Donald and this process will unite the people. Wake us up to the fact that this is not about abortion, gay rights, who gets to pick the next judge, privacy, terrorism on our soil (leave it to us to make 2 shootings by ethnic AMERICANS about the entire Muslim conflict and middle east, one paint brush stroke and we make everything about us, and as a result don’t have to do anything real at home).
Until we can see our truth, how others see us and embrace our shadows, get real and get involved, we will have more Donald’s running in all parts of government. The power lies with the people, will we take it or give it up to the circus? The question is when, how much damage and suffering will it take to not only wake up, but to own our shadow as a country and actually be about the people. The illusion we will lose quality of life is ignoring we already are.