‘Blame it, Name it, Change it’ is a way to engage right now with an issue you need to resolve.
Blame it. The media, money, the GOP or Democratic Party or _____ is producing an election of lesser of evil or candidates that will create four more years of fear and hate. People will pick Hillary because they hate Trump, or Trump because the fear Hillary. If Hillary wins the hate will be on Clinton legacy hate and fear of losing power to women and minorities. After all we just had eight years of Obama hate. If Trump wins his racist, bully, ‘I know how to run a business therefore a country and don’t question me’ will be met with resistance worldwide. If Bernie wins he will be hated for his socialist ideas that actually exist and work in other countries. If Cruz wins we will get more manipulation in favor of the 1%, less real change for the entire country in every vector. The election is not about leading the country but who can produce the most money and manipulate the American people.
Name it. I found this quote by Edward Morrow, “When the politicians complain that TV turns their proceedings into a circus, it should be make plain that the circus was already there, and that TV has merely demonstrated that not all the performers are well trained.” The media, the election process, our government, are all reflections of us. What we have or have not paid attention too. What is coming up to be healed and changed is showing us in what is broken- or not serving us. These things did not just happen, we built them, we supported them, and we bought into them. Consciously or unconsciously, proactively, through ignorance or apathy for whatever reason. They are a reflection of what we need to change and where we need to go. How long we stay here is up to us. The more we ignore it, expect someone else to fix it as if we have no ownership in the collective, the longer we will wallow in it and even repeat it. . These things are not anymore (from the last century). Their time has come, they need to break and be rebuilt new paradigms.
Change it. When the government is afraid of the people it creates policy and systems that serve the people. To return to leadership that represents the collective, not a sector either in support or by suppression and discrimination, we must unite. Recognize our common-unity. Look for ways to end division and separation in every moment of every day. It starts at home and in our neighborhoods with questioning our own beliefs and actions that result in division and separation. We all do it, we all have to stop. We have to let the media, money and leaders know we mean business. We are in charge and must take that charge. We all have something to give others, it is time to define our individual success by the success of the whole. We either all arrive on shore together or all of our individual ships will sink, it is a matter of time.
When the people are afraid of the government, they believe they must arm themselves, isolate themselves and create more division and separation. Which breeds more violence, corruption, suffering, drama and trauma for all, even those who believe they are insulated. The more you have the more you have to loose and thus the harder you hang on, dig in and separate from the whole. Our abundance was provided to give not to hoard.
People are voicing and participating—and we must do that in a way that brings us together, not more separation. While it seems so, this is not an election of angry white men fearing for what has already happened, the loss of their reign. They can try and hang on to what is already gone and never was sustainable. Their suffering is their choice. Let us not make it ours. The rest of us are busy building what is new, what includes the whole, as we understand the golden egg is only there if we take care of the goose.