What: Journey Through SoulCollage© Suits

The target audience for this on-line class was new SoulCollage© Facilitators or existing facilitators who desired to expand their offerings.

The overall course learning objective is to provide a subset of activities for each SoulCollage© suit that would help participants expand their experience, self-discovery and awareness of the energies within each suit.

Thus, the layout of each class was to characterize the essence of the guides in each suit, provide three to four complimentary activities. These activities range from simple to more complex. They could be sprinkled in overtime in separate stetting’s. You could, but would not likely offer them all in one setting. They provide a menu of activities. The content assumes the user is a trained SoulCollage© Facilitator.

Any questions about this course or the desire run a live updated course please Contact Barb


How you might use this material, which is timeless:

  1. In your own SoulCollage© practice. Listen to the classes and try the activities. There are four activities for each suit, that tallies to 16 activities to try.
  2. Bring an activity to your SoulCollage© group. Whether a beginning group or a veteran group, see if any of these activities spark new cards, new discoveries and surprises.
  3. Help other facilitators, especially those just starting, access options to expand their tool box at their pace as their own groups grow.
  4. Share back with Barb, additions, adaptations or other ideas to help the community grow!


Trained SoulCollage© Facilitators is was the target audience for this class. Learn how to become a certified Facilitator.




Purchase the recordings and hand-outs and take the course at your own pace.

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Uncover Primary Archetypes Running Your Life

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Product Details

We all have a set of primary archetypes or Council energies (if in SoulCollage©) that are doing their work through us. Every challenge, crises or watershed moment involves one or more of these archetypes. When you know your primary types you can work with them instead of against them. You reach your goals, fulfill your purpose and work through challenges with clarity, ease and flow. Gain greater command and control in your life.

Interactive, on-line recorded teleclass with handout and activities.

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Uncover Primary Archetypes Running Your Life