Humor, Inspiration, Responsiveness, Inclusivity and Facilitation
Doesn’t everyone dream about being on stage?
I dream about this and have since I was a child. When we dream of doing something or being something like this repetitively it is our subconscious minds showing us where we are going, our potential, what is out there and that we are on the path. It is as if your subconscious mind is reminding you that where ever you are, whatever you are doing, in the flow or stuck, you are still your this path.
Barb’s SoulCollage Card© for her “Performer”. I Am One Who no longer needs to perform for love, recognition and acceptance. Inspired by my heart and passions, guided by Divine, I put myself out there in all my weirdness and don’t worry about what others think. Others will always have an opinion and it is just that, theirs not mine.
For me, being on stage, as with other aspects of my being such as being a minister, teacher or leader, is happening but not in the traditional sense. It is also an essential part of who I am and what I came here to do, claim my voice and speak up, out and often. I, perhaps like you, have felt often I didn’t belong, fit in or was just weird. So, I did what I knew, which was to deny, hide, be small, rationalize, adapt and fit in so I would not stand out. I can’t do that anymore, some part of me was always dying, my spirit, my body, my mind or my emotions. If you are reading this you are ready to stop doing that too and own your voice and gifts. To claim all of you and all your power!